The Greys of Havelock Road




This grey dude spotted at Havelock Road isn’t the friendliest of all cats but definitely has some character!


and I spotted this round-faced cute guy having a great time cleaning himself beside a bicycle.

Trying Out Cinemagraphy

I was browsing through some websites the other day and found a rather interesting technique that comes between regular photography and videography. It’s a technique called “cinemagraphy”which gained tremendous popularity when New York City-based fashion photographer Jamie Beck, in collaboration with web-designer Kevin Burg started to explore this technique in their fashion photography. I did some read up, experimented with some softwares and these are what I get at the end.

Featuring “Ah Fat” as my model for my first cinemagraph attempt, I hope you guys enjoy the cinemagraphs as much as I do!

Ah Fat’s In The Mood

Looks like my resident cat Ah Fat is quite active tonight! He jumped into my car boot right after I opened it without any hesitation and had a great time playing with his favourite new cat-teaser.

Naughty boy!

Strays of Ceylon Road

Right after a hearty dinner at the nearby famous Katong Laksa, I spotted this two strays lingering around the streets of Ceylon Road. One of which is so curious about my camera when I started to take shots of them! Irresistibly cute guys!


A cat-teaser is definitely a fantastic toy to get the attention of a lazy cat!


Touch Me, Not!

It seems like this cute guy won’t hesitate to show his teeth when it comes to food!

Ah Fat The Resident Cat

Whenever I come home after a long day of work, I would take the extra effort to walk around my neighbourhood to look for “Ah Fat”, an attention-seeking feline whose name came from it’s fluffy, long tail.

Although he belongs to another family located at the opposite block of flats, Ah Fat is considered rather close to me and it didn’t take him long to recognize me whenever he hears me calling out for him. The family who actually owns him calls him “Kino” but I find Ah Fat more suitable for him. He’s also the brother of Kiki who shares the same pair of huge, round eyes.

One thing’s for sure – A h Fat is very,very proud of his tail and grooms it very frequently.

The Stern Stare

Spotted this beautiful black cat at Porto, Portugal right outside the Porto Cathedral.

Unfortunately it was kind of shy that it ran away after a few shots were taken.

Hairy Dude @ Volendam

This old chap was leashed to it’s owner and basically stopped to pose for my camera. Really cute and hairy dog, this.

Furball @ Volendam, North Holland

Took this furball while I was on a trip last year in Holland. While doing some street photography, I spotted this cute one sleeping on the bench outside one of the many houses there. I think it was still groggy when I took the shot!